ex-4SA gathering

yay! there'll be a 4SA gathering @ mdm chong's house 2dae! yahoooo! gonna meet up wif old frens and tok crap again. hmmmmmmzzzz... but most of those who turned up r frm SAJC, wif the exception of tak lung, brandon, john, daryl and joel. ok.... those who turned up: malcolm, yi siong, yong hui, yi xiang, iven, tong liang, and me. tt makes 12 rite? ok.... something more into the day (mdm chong's house visit is durin the evening)
morning i mugged... as in do my tutorials... did chem tutorial 7 and econs tutorial 2. realli happy tt i mamaged to finish them. i LUV MUGGING! hahaz... ok... i went out in the afternoon, to junction 8's 77th street to buy my poser belt, dogtag, and chain to hang on my jeans! so poser! hahaz... coast mi $42.80 in total! zzzzz.... i realli spendthrift sia...
ok... back o mdm chong's house visit. i left home @ 5.35pm... n reached potong pasir mrt station @ bout 5.45pm. zzzz.... no one reach yet lor! but i tink i saw joel @ the opposite side of the station. yar... not sure though. malcolm reached early though.... i tink earlier than mi, but he's seemingly late coz he went to buy a cake to celebrate mdm chong's belated b'day. yong hui met up wif mi first, followed by MO n joel, then brandon, then tak lung n yi xiang, followed by iven and tong liang, and finally daryl. at tis point in time, it's oredi 6.55pm. and john and yi siong have yet to arrive. omg! i have oredi waited for 1hr+. tt's fine though, coz most of us were chatting happily among ourselves, be it bout studies, o levels, CCAs, blah blah blah. then john FINALLY arrive shortly after that. we walked to mdm chong's house, which is like so near to potong pasir mrt station. no wonder she chose to be a teacher @ SAS. if it were mi, i won't coz not tt i live far frm the school, but tt the school realli...sux. forget bout tt though...
we reached mdm chong's hse @ 7+. her whole family is like waiting for our arrival. it's like so embarrasing lah... having the host to wait for the guest. and wow! so much food! chicken curry, salad, seaweed chicken, beehoon, satay, otah, AND MANY MORE! woohooo! food! my favourite! hahaz... ok... wait... we forgot bout yi siong... nah... we didn't... he arrived the last, on the pretext that he had to help his dad do some stuff. but its ok coz we haven't realli started yet. munch munch... food tasted realli great... n its realli filling too...
after tt, we played poker, blackjack, bluff and we like having so much fun la. but something i noticed at mdm chong's house: she's bossy towards her husband, her children are well, a bit naughty (duno bout tt though) and tt mdm chong nvr realli talked to us! she juz told us to get food nia. most of the time she's entertaining her friend. zZzz... great host.
we had lotsa fun. take pics, cake birthday cake, 'rap' the birthday song and ate lotsa new year tidbits. yar... we realli nvr give face one... juz eat n eat. (mainly me, joel, tak lung and tong liang). we left mdm chong's house @ 10.15pm. initially they wanted to play pools, but later the idea was dismissed coz its getting rather late, n not everyone wants to play pools. (e.g. yong hui, malcolm and mi) at last, all of us walked back to potong pasir, wif the exception of brandon and joel, who have direct buses to their home @ geylang bahru. daryl, if i m not wrong, walked home coz he's like 'living so near'
yar... then tong liang and tak lung started saying that i lok 'beng' wearing those assessories. i agreed too, so i removed them to avoid trouble, especially when its late at night. you'll never know whether trouble-makers lurks around.
we left for home. tak lung and tong liang took mrt. iven, yi siong and I took 147 home.
yupz... tt's all for 2dae! i dun tink u wanna noe what i did after i got home... u can guess one la... (hint: zZzzzz....)
ЛЙĢ ĦĄΦ @ 11:59 PM