a thought to ponder

i received complains from ICEMAN tt my blog's boring... zzzz crap! i noe its boring.... cuz my life's boring? yar... imagine tis.... cannot go out for march hols? wad will u do if u experience tt? haiz.... my life sux now.... all i can do is to mug, chat, blog, and play basketball in the evenings. OMG! tt's so dead!
anw... 2dae's juz as dead. juz tt i thought bout mani things 2dae.
firstly: i thot bout goin poly and juz dropping outta SAJC. tt's cuz i find tt i dun realli understand alot of stuff... n i juz wanna feel like giving up. haiz.... hilarious?
secondly: i thot bout boy-girl relationships. hmmm.... tt's probably the most sensible thing i thot bout 2dae! ok.... crushes, eye candies, infatuations.... hmmm wad bout a step further: BGR? i thot bout it seriously n i dun tink i would go into one like wad some of my SAS frens wanna. ok... tink like tis. if u realli luv the girl, or even like her, u would wan the best for her rite? ok... currently, we have no qualifications, no money, NOTHING! so is tt the best we can give to out partners? NO! rite? and for mi, i dun have the looks too, so i feel tt wad i can give, is realli limited. so if i realli LUV/LIKE her, i would wait till the time is rite, right?
thirdly: i thot about school work! why the hell is chem tutorial 8 so dam diff? WTF! cannot do! i feel so frustrated! n my fren david tan is like doin the tutorial like the breeze 2 weeks ago! WTH! i feel so dumb! haiz.... n there's maths! the oops taught us so well tt i couldn't even understand a thing now! n bio! so mani terms! so mani definitions! so mani organelles! so much CRAP! WHY THE HELL DID BIOLOGISTS EVEN BOTHERED TO FIND OUT SO MUCH?! now i have got so much to catch up and so little time! lemme tell u all tis! all i did for the 2 past WHOLE days was to do 5 QNs for tutorial 8. dots...
fourthly (and lastly): i thot abt the appeal for 06S15 to be tgt again. n frm wad i heard frm tze wei, i tink's the appeal's not gonna work. cuz the person in charge of reshuffling us said tt "the chances r near zero" GG! means no chance liao lor. oh yar.... i will post the appeal letter one day, but not tis wk lest anyone copies the content of our letter and infringes copyright. XD
oh yar! something realli brighten up my day 2dae! QB told mi tt her mum sae tt i m handsome. hahaz.... cuz she saw the 06S15 class foto mah! lol! couldn't believe it. haiz.... so happy... mi=handsome? OMG! nvr thot of it b4. hahaz.... but maybe its true.... or shld i sae... hopefully its true!
oops.... i nvr write the orientation recount/account again! shit! delay so longggg liao. later 4get everything. muz faster write liao n hopefully its by tmr!
n yar! i did some humour test n i got some banter thingee.... hahaz.... quite happy bout it oso!
Like a king of pinball, you've made an art of playing off of people because your sense of humor is all about banter. Like many great comedians before you, a roundtable of friends, or a roomful of targets, is the catalyst for what makes you laugh. It brings out the wit — and sometimes the nitwit — in everyone. It's quantity, not quality that matters as you and your friends alternate outbursts like the riffs of a hit single. Here's the bottom line: You're a social creature. Other people's inside jokes even strike you as funny. You manage to gravitate toward people who can appreciate a tall tale and you've probably never hesitated to fire off a zinger — even in a roomful of strangers. So keep it up with your bantering methods. Laughter, after all, keeps the world going 'round.
ЛЙĢ ĦĄΦ @ 11:43 PM