Good Friday

title: Good Friday
yeah! 2dae, all our sins will be washed away by the blood of jesus christ, who sacrificed himself fer us 2000 yrs ago. "for God so love the world that he gave his only son, and whoever believes in him shall have eternal life" john 3:16. indeed... God is gracious, noble and whoever tt believes in him shall have eternal life. we r pure as of 2dae, so ppl... dun sin frm 2dae onwards coz jesus has willingly sacrificed his life to rid us of all sins. nvr fall into temptation... n always do wad is right. nvr go against ur conscience. although i m not christian, but i still do hope tt nobody do anything wrong... cuz i like a world of perfection. imagine the peace everyone would enjoy if there were no more crimes and sins! P-E-R-F-E-C-T!
yar... u r rite. i m bored stiff on gd friday. and i m down wif flu again... juz dun y i m always down wif flu when there's no skl. sianz. sniff sniff. oh! i finished my PI! yeah! but no gurantees on how well done it is. i got a feeling its only average. XD
haiz... supposed to go pay respects to my great grandparents' ancestral tablets, but the rain... dots... so onli my dad, uncle, aunt, cousin n my grandmother (paternal) went, whilst i stayed at home to try to mug and pour my woes to my mum. yup... had a veri long nice chat wif her... and found out tt i juz like to tink a lot unnecessarily.
went out fer dinner @ goldenmile. steamboat. my dad's favourite. yup... not bad... been a veri long time since my last visit there. after tt we went to the esplanade fer a stroll and then proceeded to GIANTS @ marina square. sat around @ the massage chairs... to relax a little. hahaz... so fun...then went home @ bout 10.50pm.
tmr... nid go pay respects to my deceased maternal grandmother @ 10am. haiz... gonna be bz tmr again. duno when would i have the time to complete my stack of homework. haiz.....
ЛЙĢ ĦĄΦ @ 11:29 PM