tao gua

title: tao gua
burp! yes...i'm feeling damn bloated now, although i had dinner like abt. 3 hrs ago. didnt eat alot, xcept the tao gua (beancurd). aiya...my maid duno how to fried lar..fried until so oily. my mum shouldnt have let her fried tt. u noe ah...i squeese the tao gua ah...then like half a teaspoon of oil come out...n its onli a piece (measuring about 2 cm by 2 cm n 0.5cm in thickness) YES! its disgusting right? n i didnt realise it had tt much oil in it until i was playing wif a peice of it at the veri end of my dinner! ahhhh! no wonder i was feeling strangely bloated tis dinner. haiz...so folks! stay away frm oily food if u wanna eat more!
trying every method to cleanse tt oil in my stomach to feel less bloated so tt i can retire fer the day. popped 3 vitamin C pills but its like 2 hrs liao...still doesnt work. so now trying green tea... hope tt its caffeine content wouldnt kip mi awake fer the rest of the nite! =.="
oh...shaun n tze wei asked mi out fer lunch on my birthday 2 days ago. at fish n co. n they bought mi a rather kiddy but entertaining comic called "The Calvin and Hobbes LAZY SUNDAY BOOK" n tze wei wrote a short n sweet message in the book. hahaz..thx shaun n tze wei fer the comic n paying fer the fish n co GST. hahaz... =)
met them at 12 at ps. n finished everything by 1.20 liddat...super fast i noe...hahaz... but too bad lar...in the midst of exams...so cannot go walk walk or watch muvee n stuff...
maths! inequalities is so damn diff! trying damn hard but like still cannot get the answers everytime. haiz...sad...may god bless mi...
ЛЙĢ ĦĄΦ @ 11:55 PM