skl rocks.

30th December 2007
THE YEAR's COMING TO AN END!!! 2007 had been an eventful year.and a rather happy and meaningful one as well.dun read my blog and say "no lei...u seem so emo all year round!" no la.its juz tt i love blogging abt more emotional stuff haha.i cld be happy too! lolx.
anw...ytd went back to SAJC wif dear for morning exercise.haha.ended up i was the only one hu exercised.=.=" then we sat at the track there and enjoyed the peace in was realli rare tt skl was so cold and quiet.usually it was noisy and was realli cool to sit there, watch the cars pass the highway, look at the sky, feel the breeze and enjoy the sun.and i feels realli good back at the familiar track.

skl feels great and i realli miss it.of course not studies.more of the friends,some of the funkiest teachers tt i had and so
so after tt dear and i took a walk ard skl.we went back to our CCA boards and found them being revamped.then we went back to our classrooms.they were locked of course, but we managed to take a peek in.everything was still in place.our homerooms still had all tt class photos and notes on the boards.such a homely feeling.
then we went ard skl, and went to some of the places we ran ard during orientation.these are realli some beautiful memories i have of skl.consultation areas tt i spent much of my pre-alevels tym wif gary,clarence and jason wif miss lee or miss lye.

i oso went to the area outside the hall where u can get a direct view of the volleyball court and i was telling dear abt our first orientation.the last day of it.where we took photos at the area outside the GO as an OG and then we assembled right at the centre of the volleyball court to go off for dinner.and abt how we played one game at the volleyball court where we had to stand on number labelled chairs and tables and pass the ball to ur OG mates wif another OG's members trying to intercept ur throw.and i remembered tt the scholar zach (the AVA club one) was trying to intercept my ball wif his hands moving like an octopus.lolx.super comical.and his socks were super high.and red shorts if i'm not wrong.picture tt.hahahahahaha.
dear and i saw all these paintings being framed up along the stairways. and i found one damn meaningful one.

here was wad it said.
"As a child I was always fasinated by the vast collection of brightly coloured 20 cents junk food in snack stalls. The measly 1 dollar allowance I had each day never seemed enough to satisfy all my cravings.
Yet as I look at this child being amazed by such a simple snack, I realise many people seem to have lost their almost childlike fasination. We constabtly seek quality and are so obsessed with exquisite delicacies that we become demanding and hard-to-please, always unsatisfied and unappreciative. How have we gotten so caught up in growing up that we forget life's small platter of pleasures?"
meaningful rite? lolx. i realise it super applies to me la. how unappreciative of ppl, things ard me until i've lost it before i realli start to miss it. seriously.i miss all my classmates, schoolmates, teachers and friends.
it was a meaningful morning spent in skl i guess.reminiscing abt skl.lolx.
then went to kbox wif my cousin and sis and bro in the afternoon! had a damn wild tym there.drank a little bit of liqour then got damn high alr.sing until damn crazi.sang from abt 3 to 8.shiok! i realise i've gone to kbox like 3 times in a month! haha.lolx.addictive i guess.lolx.

anw...some random photos.haha.

my sweaty butt trademark.haha.

she's pointing to something!

chey! its juz tt a plane juz flew past.

ok.we both look weird in this pic.i dunno how to describe it.haha.and i wasnt wearing specs tt day.i juz wore it to take pic for keepsake.haha.

my mentoring board!

mentoring classroom!

meet shaun.taken from his sfc board.he looks damn big.lolx.

dear's classroom!


the door and bridge tt everyone loves leaving and crossing everyday after skl.

popular and my favourite ice mocha store in skl.lolx.

dear's locker!

the gay lockers.mine (157) and jason's (161)

staff room!

every pidgeon's favourite hideout.'s all peeps! enjoy the last day of 2007! =))
ЛЙĢ ĦĄΦ @ 11:34 PM