OG outing #1

postin resutls r OFFICIALLY OUT 2dae. got into SA. yar... but found out got into almost the same OG. bout 10-odd ppl from OG 17 got into the concurrent OG23. i realli duno whether to be happy or sad... i juz feel neutral... but one thing's for sure... i m gonna be more enthu and sociable! i muz noe everyone's name on mon! ( i mean those in the OG)
during chapel 2dae, shaun n tze wei were up on stage as part of the SFC, singing songs n dedicating a skit to the school. yeah... it's funny lor.... shaun was some maid called mariya (duno how to spell) n tze wei was actin as some 'fatted cow'. hahaz.... so funny... imagine a cow tt doesn't moooooo......
we had our maths tutorial @ the area above the cafe. juz opened recently. nothin spectacular bout tt place. n its not realli veri quiet coz it above the cafe. after tt we took some pictures of the CG. (ya... btw... onli 11 ppl turned up 2dae: shaun, david, tze wei, brendan, daryl, jocelyn, yi jia, yan ling, cheryl, siew jing n mi)
for the rest of the day, there was no lesson liao. we all intended to pontang classes. but in the end... it was theteachers tt pontang classes. hahaz... mrs kang did not go for our GP lesson n neither did ji wen go for chinese class. so... the day was practically... slack.
ok.... OG outing @ marina bay @ 5pm. first time goin for a OG outing. quite excited n oso a bit lost. coz i duno everyone's names! (xcept for some though) yar... but anw.... met tze wei @ potong pasir mrt station @ 4.25 then proceeded to dhoby ghaut north south line to meet choon kiat. yar... then we continued the journey to marina bay which is like 3 stops away......
we were the first of the entire OG to arrive. waited veri long then one by one or in grps they appeared. by the time all who r coming came, it was oredi near 6.30 (if i m not wrong). we then took bus 400 to the 'steamboat' place to makan...
its crowded over there. saw mani SAJC ppl, n some of my frens like chin pin, iven and tong liang. each of us paid $10 for the steamboat n $1.30 for the drinks. its kindda 'one-of-a-kind' experience. first time having steamboat wif frens, since it's in JC tt i go out more often. cookin the food was fun, like the bacon, cooking it till it's golden brown n crispy.
we oso played games like the 'tis is a ping' game, where we hav to 'convince' the person nxt to u tt the chopstick/straw/wadeva is a 'ping', then..... aiya... its a confusing and complicated game, but its quite fun but lame when u get the hang of it. then michael oso composed 2 songs for OG17... yar... they r nice songs... n no doubt he sang well.
there r far too much experiences n fun at the dinner, in fact far too much n draggy if i were to list them all down. we left marina @ bout 9+... n choon kiat was nearly 'raped' by his group of beng frens. haiz.... duno y he call his beng frens along...
ok... 2dae's iven's 'showdown' hahaz.... nothin bout it actually. iven didn't realli confess to his eye candy... wad a disappointment. but i heard he hinted to her liao... but he didn't tell her directly.... yup... things could have been more exciting if he had more guts. he's feeling too inferior, but y? i haf no idea.
ЛЙĢ ĦĄΦ @ 11:45 PM