mooncake festival.

September 25th 2007
wah. 2dae mooncake festival. special day of the year to eat mooncake. 2dae i saw the moon and it was quite round. and i was tinking. wld our environmental problems make the moon not round anymore? then wouldnt ppl have to re-do the whole lunar calender again cuz the moon isnt round on the 15th day of the eighth month anymore. hmmmm...interesting.
watched 200 pounds of beauty last friday on last friday. the movie's realli good seriously. the part where she was giving a speech during her concert was extremely poignant. very touching. then i realised crunchyroll actually have alot of movies uploaded and drama serials. now watching some HK drama serial abt lawyer one. quite nice oso. haha. back most of my results. got improvement but i still hope to do better in the A's. but S for both of my H1 GP n econs. damn jialat. haiz.
ЛЙĢ ĦĄΦ @ 8:25 PM