mock mock mock!

3rd October 2007
2dae's a tiring day. cuz of GP mock exam. shaggged. sighs. it was kindda OKAY i guess. but guess wad sthg farni happened 2dae. 2dae after mock ppr 1 went wif gary to buy ramly burger from cafe. then eating on the way back ma. then damn farni. caught by OM somewhere outside CC.
OM: "why u eating here? come here."
JH: "erm...cuz having mock exam then got short break. nid go back quickly"
OM: "u go there sit down eat. later i hang u on the bamboo tree by ur necktie then u noe"
haha. the OM so farni one. but i didnt noe he's the OM until 2dae. haha. lolx...
oh oh. tis song frm jolin new album quite meaningful:
能感覺你手很暖和 能感覺你是特別的
當我的手被你牽著 在街頭在風中放縱
隨你到世界最盡頭 隨你上山去放煙火
當你唱著 生日快樂 我感動 你讓我受寵
*我不再怕什麼 躲什麼 我只想知道你在想什麼
聽你輕輕的 輕輕的 輕輕的說 到底我是你的什麼
我不再怕什麼 躲什麼(說愛我)
現在我安靜的 貼在你的胸口
要你說 聽你說 說愛我
我認定你是愛我的 我認定你是認真的
你會愛我天長地久 全世界為我們祝賀
ЛЙĢ ĦĄΦ @ 9:08 PM