emo post 2

7th January 2008
its emo day.again.oki so rengfu read my blog.and he told me juz now he felt the same way too.lolx.so i'm not juz the onli one.lolx.
2dae was a rather good day i guess. except tt it was super tiring cuz i had to sleep at 2am and wake up at 5.30 to make breakfast for my bro and sis b4 going back to sleep till 7.30.then sent dear to work and i was late!!!ahhh...so paisei sia.heng she still reached early or else rina might juz kill her.haha.
i went swimming after tt.n i was so tired.almost died can.lolx.no la was joking abt tt part.but i cldnt swim well then the lifeguard tell me go shallower end train.wtf.so malu sia. so it kindda confirmed now tt i nid to use my break times to learn how to swim.lolx.
dinner was wif lib mugging group.rengfu, bridget,iting,jason, triston,jingyi,chenshao and his gf,and of course dear dear. supposed to eat at chomp chomp.but there wasnt enuf space.so ended up dining at some russina restaurant but it was quite cheap la.haha.n it was whole hell lot of fun cuz rengfu triston and i was talking like so much crap all the tym.haha.lauf like crazi.haha.perhaps i cld talk more 2dae cuz of the triple shot espresson i drank wif mr yan and gabriel at vivo.lolx.
wah.dunno wad to blog alr.suddenly life like damn no meaning liddat.cuz going jail in 3 days.haha.
tmr is dinner wif class.06s19.so looking forward to seeing all of them man.=))
ЛЙĢ ĦĄΦ @ 11:12 PM